Free Speech Exerciser

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Free Speech Exerciser


Free Speech Exerciser ™

(A Tyvek® Protest Bib Invention)

This is the strongest, most convenient and most economical "sign-object" ever designed for the purpose of enabling free speech. It lets you make your statement in public, hands-free and elegantly. It can be used again and again.

Write your message on one side of this Tyvek "envelope." With a few easy cuts, it turns into a wearable, durable and highly visible bib, like those worn by athletes. The other side announces the basic First Amendment right of free speech. If you like, you can put your message on other paper and attach it to the bib.

Dimensions - Closed: 12"W x 15" H; Open: 12"W x 30"H with a 9" head-opening..

Price: $2.50
For non-profit organizations - $1.25 each
*Contact us by email to purchase*

Custom Printing Your Message
Price: $3.00
For non-profit organizations - $1.50 each *Contact us by email*

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